Ying-Ying Chang [張盈盈] – Author | Mother of Iris Chang [張純如]
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Iris Chang [張純如] – Author | Historian | Human Rights Activist

20240616 - 張盈盈與撰寫[原子彈秘史[名著作家理查德羅茲(Richard Rhodes)的故事
20240305 - Nanjing Echo: Illusion, Subterfuge and Public Relations in the ‘Rape of Nanking’ Debate - by Randy Hopkins Revised
20240304 - Dialogue 360 八方論壇 史東對話張盈盈
20240204 - 美利堅見聞:羅伯特.威爾遜醫生 - 南京大屠殺中的人道主義者
20231105 紀錄片”南京”背後的故事 met with Ted Leonsis and Bill Guttentag
20230618 美利堅見聞 歷史記憶.文化傳承 -追思我的父親張鐵君
20230327 BRTV-北京衛視:是媽媽,是女兒啊,你不再是一個人去戰鬥
20220826 China Daily - One Of A Kind
20220823 Xinhua.net - Reading room commemorating Iris Chang opens at San Francisco WWII Pacific War Memorial Hall
20220508 追憶母親

20210216 TNR: Can Historians Be Traumatized by History?
CCTV 中文國際
[2020 世界聽我說]

20191009 - On the Trail of Iris Chang by Lisa Yin Zhang
20171121 - The ‘Western front’ of the war over ‘The Rape of Nanking’ - Asia Times
20171107 - Nanjing Echo: Illusion, Subterfuge and Public Relations in the ‘Rape of Nanking’ Debate - by Randy Hopkins
20170409 - 淮安女兒張純如回家
20170408 - 淮安"張純如紀念館"開館-媒體報導
20170407 - 淮安"張純如紀念館"開館-影音照片
20170404 - 村上春樹 承認南京大屠殺 - 塗改歷史是錯誤!
20161213 - Nanjing Massacre remembered in San Francisco
20160307 - Young historian to be honored in China
20160122 - John G. Magee family donation to Yale Divinity School Library
20151027 - Kinue Tokodome - Phoenix Weekly
20151010 - UNESCO 世界遺產
20150830 - 中華民國總統馬英九台北召見
20141213 - CCTV/JSBC Documentary on Nanjing Massacre (5 parts)
20141213 - 江蘇電視訪問張盈盈 南京大屠殺死難者國家公祭日
20141212 - 南京日報 - 不忘這段歷史,才有真正和平
20141109 - 張純如逝世十周年
20140903 - CCTV America Interview (English)
20140704 - ChinaDaily - USA
20140603 - 北京電台專訪
20131220 - 江蘇衛視專訪
20131204 - At the 76th anniversary of Nanking Massacre
20131110 - 著書獲獎 歸譽張純如
20130620 - a letter to "The Japan Times" in memory of Iris Chang, a woman I so greatly admire! - Sato
20130325 - 第四届中国传记文学优秀作品奖
20130123 - Where Are You From? : an Anthology of Asian American Writing
20121216 - 文茜的世界周報:
張純如 - 南京大屠殺 (youtube)

20121215 - CCTV interviews :
電視專訪張盈盈 - 環球聯播

20121127 - Tears of Nanking
by Gene Emerson (youtube)

20121113 - 誠品人物專訪張盈盈:

20121102 - 台灣中文版上市
張純如 - 無法遺忘歷史的女子

20120613 - The Chinese American Librarians Association : the Best Book List for 2011
20120608 - China CITIC Press 中信出版社
20120607 - 外滩画报 - 出版女兒的傳記是我最後的心願
20120605 - 新華網 : 張純如-美麗勇敢無法被歷史忘卻的女子
20120604 - 南京大屠殺作者張純如的父母講述女兒成長的心路歷程
20120530 - 騰訊網 - 張盈盈 :
張純如 - 無法忘卻歷史的女子

20120528 - 南京大學檔案館舉辦張純如展覽紀實
20120523 - 張純如的自殺 可能源自藥物
20120523 - 希望南京大屠殺歷史寫入美國教科書
20120522 - 中國應推動西方更多了解日軍侵華歷史子
20120520 - Global Times - The Power of One
20120502 - 中文版上市
張純如 - 無法忘卻歷史的女子

20120310 - The San Diego Union-Tribune
20120123 - 2012 APALA Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature
20120118 - The Atlanic : The Nazi Leader Who, in 1937, Became the Oskar Schindler of China
20120109 - DingDing.TV
丁丁電視 : 繼續追尋張純如

20111202 - Portland, OR
KBOO Community Radio

20111201 - Los Altos Patch
Saturday Book Appearance

20111115 - Boston

20111110 - San Francisco

20111104 - Maryland

20111000 - CAF Review
Chinese American Forum Magazine

20111023 - KSFO 560 AM
The Barbara Simpson Show
& Gary Shapiro Bookshelf

20111019 - Univ. of Illinois
Chang honors daughter's life

20111018 - Indiana Daily Student - Mother reflects on daughter's life
20111003 - Radio Interview
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

20110826 - Hoover Institute
Stanford University

20110824 - Cupertino Patch
20110801 - Global Research : The Mysterious Deaths of Ernest Hemingway and Iris Chang
20110714 - Asia Times:
Like daughter, like mother

20110620 - Memories:
From a Mother's Eyes

20110619 - 父親節憶女甜苦難分
20110615 - 無語問蒼天:

20110607 - A Writer
We Should Not Forget

20110606 - 活動照片集錦
座無虛席 感動落淚

20110602 - 寫女兒不平凡一生
20110601 - The Globe and Mail
20110531 - Vancouver Observer
20110529 - 母親著書紀念女兒
20110528 - Digital Journal - Dr. Chang discusses…
20110527 - 加拿大多倫多會書迷
20110527 - Misremembering...
20110527 - 披露女兒真實一生
20110527 - The Atlantic - Justice for Nanking Massacre
20110526 - 張盈盈新書 首刷售罄
20110526 - Writing With the Wind
20110525 - Wall Street Journal
20110525 - Pills linked to Death
20110525 - 化悲慟為力量
20110523 - 張盈盈與讀者對話
20110523 - 母親寫書療喪女之痛
20110522 - Museum of Chinese in America, New York
20110521 - Book Signing in NJ
20110519 - 張盈盈的啟示
20110518 - 卓絕愛女 風骨峭峻
20110515 - San Jose Mercury News : Mother's New Memoir
20110514 - Los Altos Patch
Behind the Scenes

20110513 - San Francisco Chronicle
20110508 - 祝福傷心媽媽
20110508 - World Journal Magazine - 母親節特別報導
20110400 - Open Road Media
20090406 - Mom's Dedication
20041119 - LIFE Magazine - Iris Chang Memorial
2003 - Chinese Americans : Political, Social, Economic, and Cultural History - Iris Chang
1997 - Johns Hopkins University Magazine - Nightmare in Nanking
Yale Divinity School Library Donated film reels contain footage from the Nanking Massacre By Mike Cummings   January 22
Yale Divinity School Library
Donated film reels contain footage from the Nanking Massacre
By Mike Cummings   January 22, 2016

The family of John G. Magee donated these 13 film reels to the Yale Divinity School Library. The reels contain footage that Magee shot while serving as a missionary in China during the 1920s and 1930s, including footage from the so-called Nanking Massacre.

Yale alumnus John G. Magee Sr. was an American missionary stationed in Nanking when the Japanese Imperial Army entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937.

The invasion unleashed six weeks of terror in the capital city of Nationalist China. Japanese soldiers perpetrated mass atrocities against war prisoners and civilians alike, including widespread looting, rape, and murder. Instead of fleeing the violence, Magee remained in the city and worked with other Westerners, considered neutral parties to the Sino-Japanese War, to save lives and document the soldiers’ crimes.

Magee, who owned a 16mm movie camera, risked his safety to capture footage of the horror happening around him. He smuggled the footage out of China the following year. It provided among the first visual evidence of the Nanking Massacre.

The Yale Divinity School Library recently acquired two of Magee’s original film reels from the massacre — a gift of Magee’s grandson, John Magee III.  They were part of a collection of 13 reels of footage that Magee shot during his missionary career in China.

The other 11 reels document daily life in Nanking and other places, including street scenes and church services, during the 1920s and 1930s.  They include footage of the flooding of the Yangtze River in September 1931 and the consecration of the second Chinese bishop in the Anglican Church, which occurred on Nov. 1, 1927.

The USC Shoah Foundation, which is producing a documentary on events in the Chinese cities of Nanking (now Nanjing) and Shanghai during World War II, digitized the reels for the library at no cost. The digitized footage is now available to researchers. Excerpts of the two reels of footage taken during the Japanese invasion, reels one and nine, are posted on the library’s Nanking Massacre Project website.

“We are very grateful to the Magee family for donating these remarkable film reels to the library, and the USC Shoah Foundation for digitizing the footage, which allows us to share it with scholars,” says Martha Smalley, special collections librarian and curator of the Day Missions Collection at the Divinity School Library. “The reels are a valuable addition to our collections documenting the Nanking Massacre and the works that John G. Magee and other missionaries performed there.”   

“It has been a week of murder and rape …”

Born in Pittsburgh in 1884, Magee graduated from Yale in 1906. He was ordained a minister in the Episcopal Church and assigned to missionary work in Nanking. While in China, he met Faith Emmeline Backhouse, a fellow missionary. They married in 1921 and had four sons: John, David, Christopher, and Hugh.

Magee was among about two-dozen Westerners — missionaries, physicians, businessmen, and academics — who remained in the city when the Japanese invaded.  (The American embassy was evacuated several days ahead of the invasion.) He was a member of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone, which had established a safety zone for non-combatants in an area near Nanking’s center that included government buildings, the American embassy, the University of Nanking, and Ginling College, a college for women established by Protestant missionaries.

        John G. Magee, top right, stands with other members of
        the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone.
John G. Magee, top right, stands with other members of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone.

When the city fell, residents flocked to the safety zone to escape the marauding Japanese soldiers.  Hundreds of thousands of refugees sought and received protection there.

Magee was appalled by the brutality and depravity of the Japanese soldiers.

“The horror of last week is beyond anything I have ever experienced,” he wrote to his wife on Dec. 19. “I never dreamed that the Japanese soldiers were such savages. It has been a week of murder and rape, worse, I imagine, than has happened for a very long time unless the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks was comparable.”

He began shooting footage of the refugee camps and surrounding devastation, capturing horrific images of the wounded and showing the toll the violence had taken on the city’s civilians.

“But a fragmentary glimpse of the unspeakable …”

“The pictures shown herewith give but a fragmentary glimpse of the unspeakable things that happened following the Japanese occupation of Nanking …” he wrote in his notes about the films, which are housed at the Divinity Library. “If the photographer had had more film and more time, he could have taken a great many more scenes.”

He explained that he was “kept busy from morning till night” trying to help the refugees and only occasionally had time for “picture-taking.”

Additionally, he had to take precautions not to be seen by the Japanese, who would have confiscated his camera. For this reason, he explained, he could not “take pictures of people being killed or of the vast numbers of dead lying about in many parts of the city ….”

Smalley says that the two reels, which combined are about 22 minutes long, appear to contain some previously unknown footage.

Reel one includes footage of life at Ginling College, showing bedrolls spread on what appears to be a gymnasium floor and footage of women and children doing laundry. It includes rare footage of Minnie Vautrin, a missionary and administrator at the college who provided detailed accounts of the situation in Nanking under Japanese occupation.

Reel nine opens with a scene of wounded people being carried to a medical clinic on makeshift stretchers. Inside the clinic, a nurse inspects a man’s mangled hand. The man had been shot while trying to protect his wife and daughter, according to Magee’s notes. Another scene shows rows of crude huts in the refugee camp and people lining up for food.

The library has a print of Magee’s other films of Nanking during the Japanese occupation.

Magee returned to the United States in 1940. He served as chaplain to Episcopal students at Yale from 1946 to 1953. He died following a heart attack in September 1953.

The John G. Magee Family Papers include correspondence, writings, photographs, films, and other documentation of his life and work and that of his family members.  The Yale Divinity Library also houses papers of eight other former American missionaries who witnessed the Nanking Massacre: Miner Searle Bates, George A. Fitch, Lewis S.C. Smythe, W. Plumer Mills, Robert O. Wilson, Ernest H. Forster, James H. McCallum, and Minnie Vautrin.